Aku cek, ternyata dikirimin file mp3, i wanna grow old with u | Adam Sandler
Lagunya sih aku blom pernah denger kayak apa, baru kali ini liat tuh judul.
Ternyata lagunya simple, cuma Adam yg nyanyi diiringi sama alunan gitar.
Langsung, googling…cari liriknya…
tring…nih dia…
I wanna make you smile,
Whenever you’re sad.
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad.
All I wanna do,
Is grow old with you
I’ll get you medicine,
When your tummy aches.
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks.
It would be so nice,
Growin’ old with you
I’ll miss you, kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold.
Need you, feed you.
I’ll even let you hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink P
ut you to bed when you’ve had too much to drink
Oh I could be the man,
Who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you.
Lagu yang sederhana dengan permintaan (ato harapan yah?) yang dari hati banget… Mo cari filmnya J…!!!thx yah..
:-) kalo udah nonton filmnya cerita ya…
:-) kalo udah nonton filmnya cerita ya…
iya nih msh cari2 filmnya, ntar klo dah dapet…aku cerita..tunggu komenku yah :)